Sharon Osbourne zomba do sotaque cockney 'falso' de Adele / Sharon Osbourne mocks Adele's 'fake' cockney accent

  • 08/03/2024
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Sharon Osbourne zomba do sotaque cockney 'falso' de Adele / Sharon Osbourne mocks Adele's 'fake' cockney accent

Sharon Osbourne zombou do sotaque cockney "falso" de Adele.

No episódio de quinta-feira do Celebrity Big Brother, a cantora de 71 anos acusou a cantora de fingir seu famoso sotaque cockney.

“Acho que ela afirma (falso sotaque cockney), 'Oh, amor, oh, eu sou Adele, sou tão inglesa'”, disse o ex-jurado do X Factor.

O colega concorrente do Big Brother de Sharon e Gary Goldsmith disseram a ela que a "amava" por sua honestidade.

“É tipo, pare de falar, não fale mais assim, apenas cante, apenas seja fiel a quem você é!” Sharon continuou com o cantor do Rolling in the Deep. "Mas ela fala todo esse inglês antigo, sabe?"

Sharon continuou a zombar do sotaque de Adele enquanto Gary e seu ex-colega do X Factor, Louis Walsh, riam.

Adele não é a única celebridade que Sharon criticou desde que entrou na casa do Big Brother na segunda-feira.

Falando com Sharon e Louis, Gary disse: “Quando meus amigos falam sobre pessoas que conhecem ou que conheceram, sempre pegávamos o microfone e dizíamos: 'Bem, se você mencionar os nomes, eu os buscarei.' "

Sharon respondeu: "Vou lhe dizer quem faz isso, James Corden. Ele faz isso o tempo todo."

A estrela então afirmou que o ex-apresentador do Late Late Show faz questão de contar às pessoas quais roupas de grife ele está vestindo.

Louis acrescentou: "Beijar todas as pessoas certas. (Editora-chefe da Vogue) Anna Wintour, mwah, mwah."

Sharon então respondeu: "Oh, ela o ama, o ama. Mas quem ama Anna Wintour? Acho que ela é a palavra com C."
Sharon Osbourne has mocked Adele's "fake" cockney accent.

On Thursday's episode of Celebrity Big Brother, the 71-year-old accused the singer of faking her famous cockney accent.

"I think she claims the (faux cockney accent), 'Oh, love, oh I'm Adele, I'm so English,'" the former X Factor judge said.

Sharon's fellow Big Brother contestant and Gary Goldsmith told her he "loved her" for her honesty.

"It's like, cut the c**p, you don't talk like that anymore, just sing, just be true to who you are!" Sharon continued of the Rolling in the Deep singer. "But she does all this old English, you know?"

Sharon continued to mock Adele's accent as Gary and her former X Factor colleague Louis Walsh laughed.

Adele isn't the only celebrity whom Sharon has criticised since she entered the Big Brother house on Monday.

Speaking to Sharon and Louis, Gary said, "When my friends talk about people they know or people they've met, we would always take the mick and say, 'Well if you drop the names, I'll pick them up.'"

Sharon replied, "I'll tell you who does that, James Corden. He does that all the time."

The star then claimed the former Late Late Show host makes sure to tell people what designer clothes he is wearing.

Louis added, "Kissing all the right people. (Vogue editor-in-chief) Anna Wintour, mwah, mwah."

Sharon then replied, "Oh she loves him, loves him. But who loves Anna Wintour? I think she's the C-word."


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